Get your parent to phone the phone the person instead, and if your parent thinks the person's for real, make your parent go with you to meet them. Always be alert when grown-ups you don't know well fuss over you.
This is a time to get your radar working!
dangerous people might
pretend there's an emergency, or ask for your help. They might pretend your Mom
or Dad has been rushed to hospital and say they've come to take you to them. Or
sometimes they'll say your brother or sister or pet has been
Always check with a grown-up you trust before you go off with anyone. If someone you love was really hurt, this grown-up you trust would help you.
Some bad grown-ups might knock on your door and pretend they're
sick or need help for the car. Don't answer the door. Ignore them! If someone
really needs help, they'll go to a neighbour.